Slimming in the Rain

Finding the sunny days, whilst getting lighter.

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Thinspiration Thursday – My Friend Alison

This week I am dedicating my Thinspiration Thursday to a good friend of mine, Alison.  We met about 4 years ago on that first day I wandered into the Slimming World group, my first non medical gathering for 18 months.  She was there sat at the scales and gave me the first of many encouragements by telling me that when she started she weighed more than I did, and at that stage had lost about 5 stone, so if she could do it I could too.  She was the first person to drag me out my house to do something more social, she even got me to Zumba classes on a few occasions.

We’ve both fallen off the wagon a few times, but we’ve both got back on.  This week after a couple of stay the same weeks, which would have caused her discouragement in the past, she lost 7 pounds and she is now 4 lbs away from having lost a total of 10 stone (140 lbs) altogether! She posted some before and after pics on facebook and she looks amazing, having lost an incredible 8 dress sizes.  I have absolutely no doubt that she’ll get all the way to her target and maintain it.

She makes me want to go onwards and make her as proud of me as I am of her, I am lucky to be able to call her my friend!

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Come in Week 2, your time is up!

This week has not gone as well as I had dreamed of but I am still happy all the same.  This week we had our oil based heating system ripped out and replaced with a gas one, this meant workmen in and out all day, lots of banging and drilling and stuff outside and inside, which started at 7.30 am.  On Thursday we had no water at all, and I was tired and had a headache.  All in all I was a little stressed and had little sleep, but I stuck to my calories and counted everything that passed my lips 100%, and that was the biggest achievement to keep focussed in the face of stress, when in the past I would have crumbled into bad habits.  Anyway, in the end I had a:

1.5 lbs loss!!

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So I made a vlog!

I thought that as I am so inspired by the YouTube diaries and success story videos and because I desperately want to try an bottle my mojo for later I made a video of my own!  I apologise now for the picture quality and it is a little longer than I meant to make it, but I will be better in the next one I promise!

It is weigh in tomorrow and I have been on the scales in between and it isn’t looking as good as I hoped it might be, but tomorrow it may suddenly change.  I have measured and recorded everything that has passed my lips, so if nothing else that is a non scale victory I can take away from this week and I am sure next week will be better! More about that tomorrow!

Back to the business of YouTube-ing here is the video here it is:


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Thinspiration Thursday – The Biggest Loser

I thought it would be fun to share some of the things that keep me inspired. In fact, I say things when really I should say people who keep me inspired.  I love success stories! Don’t we all? It gives us hope and strength that one day we won’t be on this side of the journey, and instead that could be us!

This week we finished watching the last season on The Biggest Loser Australia. I was quite happy with who won (I shan’t name them in case anyone is still working their way through it) and their transformations were, as always, amazing.  There are so many inspirational people to come out of all versions of the show! Yes, their weight loss isn’t realistic for people in the real world, but their losses are hard worked for and should be a lesson to us all in not giving up and pushing through our comfort levels to get the lives we dream of.  Who could forget Tara Costa winning the car dragging race? She was more than just in the zone, she owned it!

The very first season was ground breaking, they had no idea the results that people would achieve.  They are currently filming the 15th American season and 9th Australian one and each has developed their concept and changing things that haven’t worked.  Unfortunately the UK version was not renewed this year, and lets face it it wasn’t the same after Angie Dowds was dropped and perhaps, if she hadn’t tragically taken her own life, she would have been taken back again.

If you don’t want to watch an entire season then just watch the first episode and the finale to see just how far they have come physically and mentally. So, sit back and be inspired over the next hour:

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Lose by date: 8th June 2016

I have a new target for when I want to have reached goal by, and it isn’t as random as it might first seem.  In fact, I had to do a few calculations to get to that date.  At first I thought I would do the  Fit By 40 thing, I am very almost 35 so that would give me 5 years to lose it.  However, while I was writing a previous post, where I stated that I just wanted to lose weight every week between now and the end of BB15, it got me thinking about where I would be now if I had constantly lost weight every week since I was my heaviest back in May 2009.  This when I joined Slimming World and my meetings also happened to be a Wednesday, so that makes things nice and neat!

Lose By Date

So, I will try and explain my calculations without complicating it further, and hopefully I haven’t miscalculated:

  • I joined SW 20th May 2009, 215 weeks ago;
  • A constant ½ pound per week loss would add up to 7 stone 9.5 lbs (107.5 lbs);
  • Meaning I would now weigh 15 st 13.5 lbs (223.5 lbs);
  • I would be 7 stone 6.5 lbs (76.5 lbs) away from my 10½ stone (140 lbs) target;
  • That would mean another 153 weeks, which brings us to 8th June 2016.

That is just under 3 years to lose about 10 stone, I will readdress my goal when I get closer and can see how it feels.  My first target though is to catch up with, and then overtake, this imaginary Slimming World me.  I don’t mind when that is, it may not be until a month before target, but at some point I am going to do it of that I am determined!


My story so far, the gains and the losses

I don’t remember a time when I didn’t feel overweight, as a child and a teenager I was certainly told I was overweight although looking back at pictures it is clear to see that I actually wasn’t.   I wasn’t skinny, but I was healthy.  I should have been happy, but I wasn’t. My siblings were allowed to eat Double Deckers on the way home from swimming on a Sunday, I on the other hand was given cardboard textured Boots branded meal replacement bars instead, they even found their way into my lunch box to cause me embarrassment in the lunch room.  This is when the binges started.  I would sneak downstairs and steal contraband Twix and KitKats from the cupboard, which I took up to my room and ate in secret.  It didn’t effect me much back then, this was back in the days when we’d play outdoors on bikes or roller skates all day so it was easily burnt off.

I moved out of home at 18 but I didn’t put weight on, at that time I discovered recreational drugs and my drug of choice was the original diet pill, speed.  It was only at 21 when I settled down with a man I thought I was going to marry that I started to gain weight.  Our favourite pastime was to smoke Cannabis and with that comes the munchies.  He was one of those annoying guys that could eat and eat and I’d put on the weight. I gained about 4 stone (56 lbs) in the short time we were together.  I had started to plan my binges and I was calculated by buying my supplies in 4 or 5 different shops so that it didn’t look like I had much at all.  When I had an unplanned binge I would hide my tracks. Say I ate more biscuits that I thought I should, I would go buy another packet and then eat down to the same point so it looked like I hadn’t eaten any at all when in reality I’d scoffed a whole packet.

After we split up I moved away from home and started seeing a someone else, we weren’t right for each other.  Some days it would be fine, but others he would become abusive he would tell me how awful I looked and on the odd occasion he threw something at me.  I would have to stay late at work for meetings some times and I would have some of the sandwiches provided, but as he wouldn’t have cooked when I’d get home I made a meal and ate it because I knew he’d be angry if I admitted I’d already eaten.  My confidence took a knock and I gained even more weight.  Towards the end of our relationship when I’d started to take control of myself I did manage to lost some weight and I got down to about 18 stone (252 lbs).

In 2006 about 5 minutes after being dumped I handed my notice in at work and made arrangements to move back home, I knew that Mr Charm would be waiting for me when I got home asking for forgiveness saying he’d made a mistake and I was strong enough to not want to fall for it.  Three weeks later I was back, living at my parents for the first time in 10 years, it was far from ideal.  About a month after coming home I was told a secret which was going to change my life, not just the future but it made me question my past and I couldn’t tell anyone what it was for six months.  I carried on, but I was recovering from so many things I hadn’t dealt with already and this on top was drawing me deeper into depression.  In January of 2008 eight months after a trial, which tore my family apart I came home from work and shut the door on the world.

I didn’t leave the house for six months.  When I was ready I sought some help, and I really cannot praise my GP or my therapist enough.  Just under a year later in May 2009 I joined Slimming World, it was the first time I had been in a group of people outside of doctors/hospital waiting rooms and I was nervous.  For the first few months my Mum came to keep me company before leaving me alone and scared one meeting and I coped just fine after managing not to burst into tears.  I had no idea what I weighed before stepping into that first meeting, my scales at home had an error when I stepped on them at home.  23 stones 9 lbs (331 lbs).  I was shocked.

Still struggling with depression I lost a couple of stone fast and then put it on again.  I was living alone and still not looking after myself well enough and often gave into take-aways, obviously ordering enough so the delivery guy might be convinced I wasn’t eating it all by myself.  Even though my weightloss graph looks like a stock market graph in reverse I never went near to being over my starting weight and just over three years later I have lost 4 stones 8 lbs (64 lbs).  No it isn’t the worlds best weightloss but it is off in the right direction.  I often contemplate what weight I’d be now had I not sought help when I did and I reckon that I could easily have put on the amount I have lost and more.

I have started this blog because I want to be inspired to lose the next 64+ lbs a bit quicker than the last, and who knows perhaps I can inspire others on the way.